Experience feeling stronger and healthier with OsteoStrong.
So the whole concept of OsteoStrong is based on osteogenic loading, which is loading onto your skeletal system by applying pressure.
What ends up happening is you create this bone adaptation.
Your body starts to understand that the pressure you’re applying overtime increases, so your body demands are getting higher.
You begin to generate more bone tissue, and here at OsteoStrong, we apply that kind of pressure safely.
We place you in the most optimal biomechanical position where your body would naturally absorb high impact.
You receive all the benefits of what a powerlifter, Olympic weightlifter, and gymnast do without risk.
You don’t feel sore the next day; only positive benefits you receive such as being more energetic and having stronger bones and muscles.
Be confident with your balance and agility.
I am a certified personal trainer and want everyone to check out OsteoStrong Studio City.
Stronger and healthier with OsteoStrong.