Skeletal Strength for Diabetes
There are multiple, well-proven and safe approaches to treating type II diabetes and metabolic dysfunction. Fortunately, these different approaches can be used individually, or in conjunction with one another.
Osteostrong Can Help With Type Ii Diabetes
When viewed as single therapies, it is OsteoStrong that performs the best compared to the other standards of care in the reduction of HbA1c (long term blood glucose measures).

Type II diabetes (T2D) and pre-diabetes, also known as metabolic disease, affects nearly 100 million Americans (1 in 3 people). †

Treatment costs exceed $322 billion per year.

20% of all healthcare dollars are spent on metabolic disease.
Diabetes & Metabolism
For More Information On Bone Health & Diabetes read “The Effects of Axial Bone Osteogenic Loading-Type Resistance Exercise on Adults with Risk of Moderate-Metabolic Dysfunction: A Pilot Study”
† Most estimates of diabetes in this report do not differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. However, because type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% to 95% of all diabetes cases, the data presented are likely to be more characteristic of type 2 diabetes.
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