Benefits For Athletes
OsteoStrong technology has been shown to trigger bone density growth, but why does this matter to an athlete? Other than protection from fractures, skeletal strengthening in many cases eliminates limitations to plateaus and muscle growth.
Helping Athletes Build Muscle Strength
The central nervous system has a self-protecting process called neural inhibition. This process keeps muscles from engaging if a voluntary action is causing pain or discomfort. Under the high-impact activities, the central nervous system limits muscular power to protect the skeletal system and joints.
The best way to illustrate this is by clenching one’s fist or flexing the muscles to their maximum potential. Under no circumstances can an individual break their own bones. Neural inhibition will not permit it.

Easily incorporate into a busy schedule
Will not leave you feeling sore or fatigued
Show up as you are
Measurable results that happen quickly
Knowledgeable and friendly staff
What to expect
OsteoStrong sessions use a series of robotic musculoskeletal treatment devices that allow axial compression of bone to improve bone density, among other benefits.
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