Steve wanted to take preventive action against Osteoporosis.
I’ve worked in the corporate world for big and small companies, but I’ve never owned my own brick-and-mortar business.
There was an element of learning, and with me, I looked at where we were going and what challenges we would take on.
It was enjoyable to say this is something.
I had no idea how to do or what to do, so we started with a project plan.
We started to develop how we’re going to roll this out over a series of several months.
I was working with Kyle on locations and the regional development team on areas.
Discovering where to put this and what is the most optimal site for an OsteoStrong.
So we did a lot of research on that and then opened, we did a lease and all of that, which was very interesting.
It was very exciting and terrifying at the same time, but we’ve got the businesses up and running again.
We’ve been here for three years, and it’s been extremely exciting and worthwhile.
I would never have expected a franchise to help the franchisee as much as they have.
I think they’ve done a great job of educating us from the sales to the marketing process.
Getting us off the ground and understanding the technology and science behind OsteoStrong.