Seeing Your Bone Density Decrease?
Seeing your bone density decrease?
If you have a diagnosis of Osteopenia or Osteoporosis, come to OsteoStrong and take preventive measures and increase your overall bone strength.
Ready to start doing preventive maintenance on your body?
Elaine was diagnosed with Osteopenia, and her bone density numbers went downhill.
Since starting OsteoStrong, her numbers have plateaued out, and Elaine has done a great job maintaining her bone density.
“Anyone with Osteoporosis in their family should be looking at this[OsteoStrong] program because I believe it does help you.”
Are you active daily with gardening, hiking, or running?
Elaine stays very busy with her massive garden and five of her grandchildren who live in town.
“I babysit and do things with them play ball, attend games, bake cookies. I bake and cook a lot.”
Elaine also enjoys many different activities like water skiing and snow skiing and has been working on making some sprints.
She is also in the Senior Olympics every year, where Elaine does swimming, sprints, and walking, along with a few other activities.
“Originally, when I got the diagnosis of Osteoporosis, I was down about it, as my grandmother has it too. One of my doctors told me it would be wise to check out OsteoStrong.”
Elaine met OsteoStrong owners Herb and Shelly and has been coming for weekly sessions for quite a while.
Make OsteoStrong a part of your lifestyle!
Every staff member here at OsteoStrong is professional, outstanding, and efficient.
Experience the joys of healing at your local OsteoStrong!
Seeing your bone density decrease?
Even if you’re having a bummer day, it will all change with your sessions here at OsteoStrong, where you are family!
“OsteoStrong has helped me. Everyone should consider the program!”
Elaine wants to do cross-country running and skiing sports in five to ten years and maintain an active lifestyle.
“I want to keep my body supple and have the ability to take care of my body and have my bones work for me until I am 101 years old.”