Reverse negative bone density with the help of OsteoStrong and feel stronger each day.
When Marianne found out she had bad bone density, she came here to OsteoStrong to help strengthen her bone and stay healthy.
Jim came to OsteoStrong due to a limp, which has improved since his OsteoStrong sessions.
Jim says
I went to a medical place and X-rayed my hip.
They can’t believe how well I move with that bad hip, but it’s been getting better since coming to OsteoStrong, and I have lost 40 pounds.
Marianne says that you never know what will happen, so it’s important to stay healthy and be physically able.
She wants to reverse negative bone density with the help of OsteoStrong.
Marianne and Jim see the difference by getting on the machines. They also enjoy the red light therapy, hydro massage, and vibe plate.
Five to 10 years from now, Jim and Marianne want to live a healthy lifestyle.
Marianne says,
Jim and I used to walk maybe seven to ten miles every day before Jim’s hip messed up.
Jim says,
I can’t walk, but I hobble alright. My ninety-two-year-old mother lives with us, and she has the strongest bones.
My mother is very healthy, so I want to follow in her footsteps.
Marianne and Jim come into OsteoStrong together and try to set a new record on each machine.
They have always done everything together and are growing stronger with OsteoStrong.