Avoid Losing Bone Strength
Avoid losing bone strength with the help of OsteoStrong.
Nancy celebrated her 72nd birthday and decided to have a physical bone scan.
She discovered she was borderline Osteopenia.
Being of Northern European descent, Osteoporosis is a prime topic for Nancy’s family.
“My ninety-eight-year-old mother is pretty badly bent, and I decided I didn’t want to lose my height or strength.”
Nancy started with OsteoStrong about a year ago and loved it because it’s not like going to the gym.
OsteoStrong isn’t continual repetitions with heavy weights.
You’re working with a qualified trainer who’s helping you put stress on pinpoint positions in your body.
They are building stress for muscles and bones, all while feeling more energetic.
Nancy says
Osteoporosis has been in my family, beginning with my grandfather. My mother used to say he would sneeze and break a rib. I felt optimistic and liked the results when I left my doctor’s office.
Her mother has always been very strong and physically fit. She has lost about 4 inches in height being bent over.
She could see this was her future unless she took control of it, and that’s when Nancy started OsteoStrong.
“I was a little skeptical. It seemed too easy to me. I couldn’t believe this was going to make a difference. About one year later, I feel stronger in my core.”
Nancy’s goal in the next five to 10 years is to be much stronger than she was in her 20s and 30s.
She plans to keep coming to OsteoStrong doing the program that makes her feel amazing.
Avoid losing bone strength and feel amazing with OsteoStrong.