Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease Red Flags for Bone health
Discussions about bone health are usually reserved for women in their second half of life; however, building strong bones needs to be a focus of childhood health for both boys and girls. With 86% of teenage girls not consuming enough calcium, osteoporosis prevention has to start during youth.Bone Health Is Important for Kids Too

Bone Health Is Important for Kids Too
Discussions about bone health are usually reserved for women in their second half of life; however, building strong bones needs to be a focus of childhood health for both boys and girls. With 86% of teenage girls not consuming enough calcium, osteoporosis prevention has to start during youth.Bone Health Is Important for Kids Too

Is Your Back Hurting From Too Many Virtual Calls?
Too much screen time? See how “Text Neck” could be causing spine pain, headaches, and more. We have one more reason to question how healthy our smart phone addiction is. “Text Neck” is the phenomenon being labeled a “global epidemic” by chiropractors and spine specialists around the world, as humanity spends more time than ever with their neck in a forward flexed position, scrolling on their phones.

Move More and Build Bone Health Post Cancer
Get up and move. We all know it’s good for both your mental and physical health. In fact, studies show that even moderate exercise not only reduces the risk of developing cancer and other chronic illnesses including heart disease and diabetes, but it can also help you survive longer afterwards if you do.

You’ve Got a Friend
You’ve got a friend. James Taylor was onto something when he wrote the lyrics to his popular song.
It’s something many women find they need when first diagnosed with breast cancer. Sure, you may be surrounded by family and friends who offer support, solace and care. But sometimes, what you really need is someone who truly gets what you are going through; someone who’s walked those steps before. Someone who will listen, let you vent, will join you in cursing cancer and won’t offer platitudes simply to make you feel better.
In recent years, probiotics have been touted as a solution to some gut-related afflictions. In a similar span of time, probiotics have also become a 6-billion-dollar industry

Probiotics and Gut Health
The human intestine is a crazy place. Some 10 trillion microbes of numerous species are reportedly teeming around in our vitals, busy doing their thing. What their thing is exactly? Well that’s what the medical world doesn’t quite fully understand.
In recent years, probiotics have been touted as a solution to some gut-related afflictions. In a similar span of time, probiotics have also become a 6-billion-dollar industry

Don’t Sweat the Dog Days of Summer
We’re about to go into some serious heatwaves (as if we haven’t already) and keeping up with health goals can feel daunting when all you want to do is sit inside of air conditioning. Here are some tips for getting the most out of wellness when it’s too darn hot

Try this delicious, health-boosting smoothie recipe
Looking to switch up your afternoon snack with something a little more nourishing? Give this smoothie recipe a whirl! Banana gives you low-glycemic sweetness (that means your blood sugar will rise gradually instead of all at once), maca is said to help boost energy and regulate hormones, nut butter gives you heart-healthy fats, protein and key nutrients, organic cow milk provides calcium while nut milks provide fiber along with an array of minerals, ground flaxseed, a superfood, gives you fiber, proteins and antioxidants (to name a few of its many benefits), while vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg are warming spices that help balance the coolness of the smoothie.

Escape the Hot Flash Zone
If you’re over 40 you may have been hearing the word perimenopause lately. It’s coming up for more and more women these days, and for good reason. Peri is a Greek word meaning “near” or “around,” making perimenopause the term for women’s transition to the menopause stage
We’re not talking about a transition of a few weeks here. We’re talking about a process that can last anywhere from four years to a decade, terminating with the onset of menopause. Menopause, in contrast, technically arrives in a single day – the day marking 12 months without menstruation for menopause-age women.

Green Tea vs. Black Tea
The abundance of teas on offer in any local supermarket raises the obvious question: are all teas are created equal?
The world of tea – a diverse and subtle one – can be difficult to navigate for the average person. It’s hard enough to choose between the near-universal options of black tea and green tea.

Adaptogen Alert: Get Your Maca On
Maca (not to be confused with the Japanese tea matcha) is a Peruvian plant related to the mustard family that grows in an intensely cold, windy, and sun-drenched environment. Its flavor and aroma are akin to butterscotch.

Going Sugar-Free
Technically, it’s humanly impossible to go sugar-free as your body converts most of what it ingests into sugar. This, in turn, is what largely powers your brain. Before you take that as carte blanche to raid the sweets aisle in your local supermarket, let’s take a closer look at the way the body uses sugar, particularly excess sugar – the domain of all our favorite sweet treats.