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Understand Health, Fitness, and Prevention

Hey guys, I’m Dr. Greg Vanvakaris, and I’m out in Los Angeles. One of the things you’d be interested to see is when I grew up, the youngest of four boys, we grew up in Venice Beach.

Being the youngest and the lowest on the totem pole, you had to do many things.

One of them was you had to be very quick, to run and get away from danger, because my brothers were crazy.

I grew up on the beach, so I grew up surfing, which was part of our life, surfing, skateboarding.

Back then, BMX was a big deal on bicycles and skimboarding.

The California way was just health and fitness and introduced at a young age, not by default.

It was just a lifestyle that we didn’t know anything different about.

So as I grew older, that translated into lots of different sports and competitions in sports. And so naturally for me, I wanted to go into some study in that way.

I went into exercise physiology, and I became an exercise physiologist.

I love health and wellness and teaching people about health and wellness.

I think just growing up, most of my friends and colleagues were around that. And it just morphed into this idea, “Well, where can I go after this?”

I was a trainer for many years and taught a lot of rehabs and prevention.

I thought, “Well, how can I take this to the next level?” So chiropractic seemed to be the best for me because it teaches health, wellness, and prevention.

Everything’s about prevention, so I became a chiropractor.

Quite a while ago, in 1997 now, so 25 years, I’ve been a practicing doctor. I treat many athletes in my practice and here in Los Angeles. We have a lot of entertainment.

But the gamut from slips and falls to athletic injuries. So people who are in bad posture from sitting at a desk all day, writing, or studying.

Sooner or later, Osteostrong came into my life and was introduced to me. I did a lot of research on the company. I’ve always done it because I have a pretty scientific background.

So yeah, just sort of natural steps in my life to keep going in that direction.

I did a lot of research on what it means to have bone density issues. When I was younger, I did some television shows on the OsteoStrong process and prevention.

Some of the information we knew then was incorrect compared to what we know now regarding the amount of stress we need on the bones to create osteogenesis or new bone growth and how we can affect our bones.

When I researched more and more about Osteostrong, it seemed like a no-brainer to me that why wouldn’t I go in this direction?

I’ve been health and wellness, caring for people all day long in the chiropractic realm.

Here’s another thing that’s health, fitness, and prevention.

Prevention’s a big deal for our lifestyle.

So, it seemed like a natural transition for me to become part of the Osteostrong family and open an Osteostrong.

Now I still have a clinic up the street. I still have a multidisciplinary chiropractic clinic down the street. So treat people there.

Here we have this beautiful idea that I can also affect people on a large spectrum.

One of the things that I love about life is trying not to live life for myself, but how can I live life to affect that outside of me?

So, for example, in my life as a chiropractor, if a gentleman comes in with terrible back pain, now he can’t go to work. His wife and kids are worried about him.

So there’s a ripple effect when you care for or help and teach people.

I found that it’s the same thing once I started to learn more and more about Osteostrong and come in this direction.

If you help somebody here, they have grandkids.

They have families, and it’s prevention.

They live life, their vitality. All these things change, which is just incredible.

This is how I got on this road, my journey to get here. I love it.