Candy’s bone strength is getting better, and she is feeling stronger.
She will be sticking with OsteoStrong and finds her sessions convenient.
Every week Candy has noticed her bone strength increase.
Suffering from Osteoporosis, she is glad to see her bone density numbers improve and become more stable.
Candy has gained tremendous strength since starting OsteoStrong two and a half years ago. She enjoys coming to each session.
Candy finds the machines at OsteoStrong easy and likes competing against herself to get better weekly numbers.
“You can come in street clothes. You don’t have to wear gym outfits. You can just come in and go out for lunch afterward.”
People here are just tremendous and accommodating, make you feel very comfortable, and encourage you.
If you’ve had a bad day, and next week is better.
In five to ten years, Candy wants to be strong and can get down on the floor to play with her grandkids and get back up again.
Candy wants to stick with OsteoStrong and generally have good health.