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Learning Neurons Fractions and OsteoStrong

With OsteoStrong, you can build lifelong mobility, rebuild lost balance, and start living the life you have always wanted to.

Do you remember riding a bike or the first time you learned to drive a stick shift?

It feels incredibly uncomfortable and uncertain. The way we learn, physically and mentally, is through connected neurons. When you are trying to learn something for the first time, you have two neurons that are not communicating with each other very well. It can be almost painful.

I remember the first time I learned how to do fractions. My dad was teaching my three older brothers and me, and we all cried. Why? Our neurons did not know how to think in terms of fractions of a number. Once you get it, it is like a little switch goes off. The more you do it the more the myelin sheath between the two neurons gets thicker and stronger. What was once hard becomes easy. Soon, you do not even need to think about it. It becomes second nature, like riding a bike, driving a standard, or anything new that we start to do.

The results that we see at OsteoStrong are utterly shocking. You just do not even think it is possible. Right away, you see an improvement in your balance and agility, which is huge. Many people come to OsteoStrong because they are afraid of getting a fracture. Three things help you prevent fractures. You not only need strong bones, but you also need strong muscles and good balance. OsteoStrong does all three.

How does OsteoStrong help your balance?

When you complete a session at OsteoStrong, you are emulating a high-impact force in the safest way possible. It takes a neurological commitment to make your body to emulate those forces. In fact, the force is so great that your central nervous system is making your muscles contract in a way that most people have never experienced. Essentially, your brain communicates with your muscles through these neurons. If you have never contracted your muscles like that before, then they do not know what they are doing, so it can feel a little bit awkward or uncomfortable in the beginning.

What ends up happening is, because you are using muscle fibers in a way you never have before, the myelin sheath starts to strengthen in the connection to the muscles. They become better at reacting. Your agility automatically starts to improve, and it happens so quickly.

OsteoStrong constantly has clients who cannot stand on one foot for five seconds such as an elderly person whose balance has left them. After a few sessions, they are standing on one foot for 30 to 60 seconds. It happens that fast. Your brain can learn so quickly, and you could do it when you are older too.

Your mind will build those myelin sheaths, and it becomes easy. What is hard is for that strength to become second nature. Once balance returns, people start doing more activities and living their life without even realizing that they are doing it again.

When you come to OsteoStrong, your balance and agility is going to improve radically.